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Friday, October 27, 2017

Dragon nest SEA Pro tips



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1.  Lack of inventory space.  Create a new account to hold your excess items.  To transfer your items open your another account in a different computer.  Had your original account and other account trade each other.  Or you can send items via mail with a 20 copper cost.

2.  Use the terrain to your advantage. 

3.  Don't fight all the enemies at the same time draw them out and kill them. 

4.  Missing Lena
Finish the side quest "In Dilemma". After rescuing Oliver she will reappear. 


WASD - movement

Earn money/gold

Go to Wonderful theme park and play Monastery Treasure warehouse. 

Dungeon/Hunting - This is the most direct approach to earning gold the main draw back is when you need to repair your gear.  FTG can be also limit the number of times you can go to a dungeon.  Sometimes the repair of your gear is for more expensive than the gold you earn.  Try using the gear you loot when the gear breaks sell them.
Choose a map that is not too hard.   Also buy a boost for selling at the dishonest merchant.
You can use the free alliance you earn when giving gift to NPCs.

Do Nest

The are lots of low level nest in Dragon nest if you run out of FTG try playing some easy nest.

Sending heroes 

Send your heroes to quest to earn items and gold.  Use your own heroes to send to quest so you don't need to pay any gold.


Farm until you can plat essence of life.  Essence of life is very important when forging..

Experience tips  
Fast exp cooking

1.  Buy free alliance membership.
2.  Buy all 4 broth
3.  The higher the level of the food you cook the more Xp it gives.
4.  Buy salty broth on TH
5.  Cook white rice - White rice takes only 5 minutes to harverst and yields 570 exp.
6.  Cook strawberry cake -  Strawberry cake yields 540 exp
7.  Buy fishes at Trade house. Buy only the fishes the you'll use to make broth.

Battling tips

Moon lord tips

If your lagging can can't use moon blade dance.  Jump first and use moon blade dance

Item location

silver coin - get from saint haven defence

Caldelrock raspberry - Footshill of Dark maountain
Use for cooking
Lost in time hard mode
Sticky Siliva 

Use:  Cooking
Location:  Gates to City of Death
Mode:  Hard 

Unfinish letter
Use:  Cooking
Location:  Ghost town
Mode:  Hard 

Toothless blade
Use:  Cooking
Location:  East Armory ruin
Mode:  Normal

Dragon jade attack

Marian's skill dragon jade
For 10 sec after a successful attack, own ATK increases by XXXX, and opponent's magical defense is reduce by -7%.